$650/per class

$375/ per class

$250 per hour
Yes! Our firm offers ClientCredit who has partnered with Affirm to offer a flexible financing solution with no hidden fees. You can now split the cost of any Trademark Service into 3, 6,12, 18 or 24 monthly payments. Click below to begin completing your payment with Affirm. It's quick and secure, and you'll get a real-time decision. The Law Office of Clarissa Harvey does not in any way receive a referral compensation if you select this option.
Our Firm will provide a complimentary secondary search at NO additional cost if your trademark is identified as "High Risk".
It is taking on average 12-18 months for an application to mature to registration. New applications were filed in record numbers in 2021 and the USPTO is still continuing to work through this surge of filings
Yes, the Trademark Clearance Search is NOT required by law. But, it is very strongly recommended. We will require you to sign a Waiver acknowledging the risk.
A Knock Out Search is not the same as a full comprehensive Trademark Clearance Search. The Knock Out search does not cover state trademarks and trade name registrations, unregistered common law trademarks, internet domain names, and other possible sources of prior trademark usage by other parties.
Trademark rights in the United States are based on use in the United States. While the USPTO Examiners only concern themselves with prior marks on the USPTO Register, our concern as a Trademark Attorney is to provide you with advice as to whether you can not only register, but also use a mark in interstate commerce. We strongly recommend that you also obtain a Full Comprehensive Clearance Search so that we can properly counsel and clear the mark by further examining State Trademarks and Common Law (unregistered use), to understand what trademark rights might already exist.
What is AI Technology? We commission a third-party specialized Trademark Research Company that has utilized artificial intelligence to develope the world's most sophisticated trademark similarity algorithm. The trademark search algorithm has been developed by a team of mathematicians, linguists and computer scientists.
Why is it cheaper? The search report uses a machine instead of a human for many tasks.
How accurate is AI Technology? Statistically proven it is said to find more than 99% of confusingly similar trademarks.
Time is of the essence. Trademark Search results are only a snapshot in time and will quickly lose their relevance ( i.e. a third party may obtain rights in an identical or a confusingly similar mark between the search results and the time when the first application is filed). Therefore, it is highly recommended to file your application immediately following or as soon as possible. Waiting to file your Trademark Application is risky and may result in additional costs to perform an updated search.
The USPTO divides marks into 45 different categories; 34 for products and 11 for services. These categories are known as classes. Here are the USPTO Filing Classes. In order to be fully protected, you will want to file in every class you’re eligible for.
When Hiring a Trademark Attorney to Prepare and File Your Trademark Application, One (1) class is already included in the flat fee price. If you want to secure additional classes on the same application, there is a filing fee of $650 per additional class. Durng your New Client Onboarding Session your Attorney will advise you and provide ample assistance to help you determine the appropriate filing classes for your Mark.
What is a Substantive Office Action?
A substantive office action is one that requires in-depth legal research and/or persuasive legal argument. Substantive Office Actions are NOT included in any Tradmark Packages. There will be an additional fee if a substantive office action is rendered by the USPTO. Substantive Office Actions will be billed separately based on the scope of work.
How much does it cost?
Provide your application Serial Number and we will review the office action free-of-charge. We will quote you a flat-fee for responding to the office action after review.
No! One of the huge benefits of working with our firm is that we provide Unlimited Client Support for the duration of the process. This means you can email and schedule phone calls regarding your trademark application for free. We also make it a priority to keep you informed every step of the way.
If you have not used your mark in commerce yet, we will file a 1(b) Intent-to-use Trademark application. There will be an additional filing fee of $375 per class due when you have sufficent evidence of use in commerce and you are ready to submit your statement of use.
You will have 6 months to provide your evidence of use after your trademark application is accepted. If 6 months is not enough time, then we can file up to 5 extensions of 6 months each for a filing fee of $375 per class for each extension.
No, this is an application process which could result in the denial of the Client’s trademark. There are no guarantees that your trademark application will be approved. If you select and pay for a Trademark Clearance Search, our Attorneys will provide a report and opinion letter to identify any potential conflicts and advise you on the level of risk you are facing prior to submitting your application. However, it is important to note that even low-risk applications can still be denied.
No, The Law Office of Clarissa Harvey will not issue a refund for an unsuccessful trademark application.
Hit with an Office Action?
Did you file your own Trademark Application, but now the USPTO has issued an Office Action ("Official Letter") refusing the Trademark? If you would like an experienced Trademark Attorney to review it free of charge, please complete the form and we will contact you to discuss your options and the fees associated with our Firm filing a response.
**DISCLAIMER: The scope and pricing of all packages, services, and add-ons are subject to change at any time. Clicking "Buy Now" or a similar purchase button to initiate a sale through this website does NOT automatically acreate an attorney-client relationship. The only way to engage The Law Office of Clarissa Harvey for legal services is for you and the firm to sign an Engagement Agreement detailing in writing the scope of representation. **